Flipped Classroom
At various times during grand rounds, we will "flip the classroom." The flipped classroom model is based on reversing the traditional approach to teaching. Traditionally, we sit in a lecture hall while students passively receive information from the instructor. There is little interactivity for teacher or learners. After each class, homework is assigned and completed by learners in isolation.
The flipped model, as the name suggests, reverses this situation. Students review content material ahead of time. This frees up class time for more interactive work, greater discussion at a deeper level of understanding, and more practice. Please review the material below to help maximize your skills for the cardiac cup competition.
Cardiac Cup Stations
1. High Performance CPR
2. EKG and Rhythm Identification
3. ACLS high fidelity simulation case run by intern
4. ACLS high fidelity simulation case run by senior resident
5. Transcutaneous pacing, cardioversion, defibrillation
6. Ultrasound in ACLS
High Performance CPR
High Performance CPR Lecture given by the good Dr. Bohanske during the Maine Medical Center Winter Symposium 2017
1. High performance CPR tool kit
2. High performance CPR on December 2016 issue of EMRAP (requires subscription)
EKG and Rhythm Identification
ACLS HIgh fidelity CAses
Cardiac Arrest and ACLS in 2015
Littmann L et al. A simplified and structured teaching tool for the evaluation and management of pulseless electrical activity. Med Princ Pract. 2014;23(1):1-6. PMID: 23949188
ACLS Algorithms
TRANSCUTANEOUS PACING/Cardioversion/Defibrillation
This lecture was recorded at the 2016 Maine Medical Center Winter Symposium in Sugarloaf, Maine. mmcwintersymposium.com
1. Trancutaneous Pacing Cheat Sheet
2. Transcuteanous Pacing Module on www.downeastem.org
Ultrasound in ACLS
1. Ultrasound and pulmonary embolism from http://5minsono.com/pe/
2. Ultrasound in Shock from 5minsono.com
3. Pericardial Tamponade from 5minsono.com
4. Cardiac Function from 5minsono.com
5. Point of care ultrasound in cardiac arrest by Christina Wilson, MD